
Showing posts from October, 2012

Hanya Memuji, Hanya Mengata.

Betul apa orang putih kata : " don't judge the book by it's cover". dengarlah kata orang kita, " tak kenal maka tak cinta." ya! aku setuju betul. Acap kali makcik-makcik and pakcik-pakcik berbisik kalo anak dara sebelah umah bawa teruna rambut perang, seluar londeh sampai nampak jenama spandernya. " amboi, macam tu rupanya taste anak Mak Limah tu yer. hmm. rugi je hantar tinggi-tinggi belajar kat universiti, balik-balik je nak kahwin ngan budak jalanan." Amboii kau! panas. panas. panas. mana aku tahu? aku pon salu lepak ngan makcik-makcik aku okay! heee. And bila nampak anak sedara depan umah kawin ngan anak orang berada, orang kaya: pakai smart. bergaya. berkerjaya. berjaya. Ya, handsome juga. " wahhh! hebat lahhh anak kau! dapat orang kaya, muka tampan macam artis luar negara, berkerjaya. untung anak kau. bertuah badan yerrr~~" Hmmm. memuji-muji kau yer.. setahun lepas tu : " baik betul menantu Mak Limah tu, selal...

Smokey Smoker Smoke

Missing those smokey? yeah I know. It's make life colorful. once you try, you'll ask for twice. Told you what. it's dangerous. it's unhealthy. For girls, he's cool. For guys, she's bitch. P/s: Dad, it's bad for your health. ^^ /  My man, u looks cool. Aww! 

Peers Day Out

Ohaiyoo! Late post. on 14 Oct 2012, I'm joined Peers Day Out organized by Peers Club. We went to Taman Botani, Bukit Cherakah, Shah Alam. And quite fun. Not so fun tho. Penat jalan-jalan. Sem lepas punya Peers Day Out lagi BEST!!!! Btw, make more friends and experiences. so, worth it! And here the pictures! >.<

FINESTAX Challenge!

Debate. It's kind of lil formal. But, told u what ! It's fun!! so muchh funn.!!! "THW BAN ALL FORMS OF BEAUTY PAGEANTS" " THBT PLAYERS FOUND GUILTY OF RACIAL PROBLEMS SHOULD BE BANNING FROM PLAYING FOR THEIR COUNTRY" "THW CRIMINALZED GANGNAM STYLE" That's the hot topics for our today Debate Challenge! Quite fun. And I had most happening experience joining this debate. But we're not that good. so-so. It's okay for first timer people like us. with new rules. It was okay. Tho we didn't get to proceed till last round. It's fine. Win is not the only matter! The important thing is that we become more confident to talk in ENGLISH at the front. It was so frightening at first, but then, we really want it more. It's like "exercising" our brain when they make us brainstorming of lots of brilliant ideas at that very limited time. ( I got lots of " Beauty" pimples due to the hardcore brainstorming. Aww! ) ...


Seriously it's today! I'm really not well-prepared. it's so nerve-wrecked you know! Debate. I like it. I have the experience. but not in English. It's not the same. I'm not so confident with my English language. Plus, it's almost like speak spontaneously. Ohhh craps! Help me overcome this feeling. It burdened me. God, please bless me! I don't wanna win. But, at least, I hopes I will give the best of me for today and tomorrow. And the day after tomorrow, I'll stop! I have Peer's Day Out. hoohhohoohohho! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10.. Take a deep breath. Still. Nervous! P/s: I hate being nervous.=="

Saja Aku Marah.

Hey you! yes, awak! awak, awak & awak juga. Pays attention please! Nak bagitau, my heart is so hurt that I might even kills someone.  But, just in my dream.  Tak hingin nak masuk penjara untuk perkara-perkara macam ni. serius aku marah. tapi kejap. walau marah itu datang berkali-kali. aku pendam. dalam lubuk paling dalam. lagi dalam berbanding dasar laut cina selatan. tak pernah ukur. tapi lebih kurang begitulah. tak kisahlah nak kata aku hiperbola. dah memang belajar untuk aplikasikan hiperbola dalam ayat sejak bangku & meja sekolah lagi. Bukan nak cakap apa. just aku marah. kejap marah dan kejap okay. macam chipsmore je. Alaa. cakap pun bukan ada yang kisah. dorang kisah hal dorang je. so, jangan nak buat-buat kisah pula. Well. tak sepatutnya aku marah. sebab aku tak pernah luahkan. kadang orang tanya, aku tak suka. masalah, biar aku sahaja yang tahu. korang,korang, dan korang biarkan aku. nanti aku oka...